Monday, February 13, 2012

Catching up.. I mean: Getting HARDER to catch!

We had quite the week... last Saturday Zoey had gotten a clogged "milk duct" and it ended up abscessing, rupturing, and needing emergency surgery.. Sorry for the graphic photo, but this is what I came home from work to:

So yet, another surgery for the poor Zoey.

But even through all of that, she still managed to squeeze into her favorite spot under the bed!

It's been over a week now, and I caved in and removed the cone. She kept bumping into things and honestly, that doesnt look comfortable!

Now.. those puppies.. they are getting to be SUCH a handful! and poor Snuffy was left to fend for himself while Zoey recovered :)

I tried taking pictures, I really did! I PROMISE!
But they're just too hard to catch.. so instead, I made this video, Hope this better helps you to understand:
By the way: Excuse the mess! I had just taken the pups for a check up, and some how managed to get the groceries in the house, Imagine that!
And I hope your volume isn't up too high, my camera made me sound a little squeaky.

Cute, right?
It's a good thing I dont have kids.. because THESE kids are a lot to handle.

Oh! and Zoey's Birthday's tomorrow :)

Here's a tribute to my baby:

This is the first day I got her, She was the cutest :) But she was NOT a fan of the bow..


and then, two weeks later, we got her boyfriend :)

And they went through their "ugly ears too big for head stage" together :]

and they learned to love grooming (NOT!)
They are very lucky that I'm their groomer, I put up with a lot more of their crap then I should..

We've come quite a long way,
So Happy Birthday Zoey! 2-14
and Snuffelupagus! 2-23

And of course, babies! 1-4.

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