Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Week Left...

...Until the babies go to their new home!

I mean, Sure, I'll miss them, but I am rather excited to send them out into the world.
The families I found to take them are beyond amazing,and I wouldn't want it any other way.
So, to start out, yesterday was their first grooming:
Everyone came to work with me :)

i think it was a great experience for them! They haven't been out in public before, and they got to see different dogs and hear different noises. And you better believe all of the customers thought they were just the cutest :)

So. On we go, And by the way, I had no one to take pictures of me while I trimmed, so you'll only get an after affect.
I tipped their ears, did their nails, and cut around their paws and between the pads to get them ready for future good behavior for their groomers as they get older. The earlier you start the better!

So Duff (Black) was first.

As you can see, he was very excited to go, pulling my apron the whole time.

But as it went on, he became less, and less interested.

And decided he'd rather eat the nail clippers instead..

And then there was little Baby Bella.

And I must say, not only was she the BEST at getting their picture taken, but she also has the best terrier coat out of the bunch :) Full of wire.

And Daisy Belle, she was another story..

After about 4354540957 picture tries, this is the best I could get out of her:

She just did NOT want to stay put!

And Winston was EVEN WORSE!
I just had to suck it up and distract him..

He's still cute though :)

Maybe it was all the other things going on around, that got them so antsy.

And they were all like typical terriers, anti Nail Trim.. BUT it must be done, and I need to play with their feet more often to rid them of the fussyness.

Next Friday, Bella, Winston, and Duff will be headed off to their new homes :)

I get Daisy a whole nother 2 1/2 weeks until her family comes!

I'm hoping, that I can get a neat group shot sometime this week before they take off.
I'm just hoping, because as you saw above, they don't hold still very long :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Catching up.. I mean: Getting HARDER to catch!

We had quite the week... last Saturday Zoey had gotten a clogged "milk duct" and it ended up abscessing, rupturing, and needing emergency surgery.. Sorry for the graphic photo, but this is what I came home from work to:

So yet, another surgery for the poor Zoey.

But even through all of that, she still managed to squeeze into her favorite spot under the bed!

It's been over a week now, and I caved in and removed the cone. She kept bumping into things and honestly, that doesnt look comfortable!

Now.. those puppies.. they are getting to be SUCH a handful! and poor Snuffy was left to fend for himself while Zoey recovered :)

I tried taking pictures, I really did! I PROMISE!
But they're just too hard to catch.. so instead, I made this video, Hope this better helps you to understand:
By the way: Excuse the mess! I had just taken the pups for a check up, and some how managed to get the groceries in the house, Imagine that!
And I hope your volume isn't up too high, my camera made me sound a little squeaky.

Cute, right?
It's a good thing I dont have kids.. because THESE kids are a lot to handle.

Oh! and Zoey's Birthday's tomorrow :)

Here's a tribute to my baby:

This is the first day I got her, She was the cutest :) But she was NOT a fan of the bow..


and then, two weeks later, we got her boyfriend :)

And they went through their "ugly ears too big for head stage" together :]

and they learned to love grooming (NOT!)
They are very lucky that I'm their groomer, I put up with a lot more of their crap then I should..

We've come quite a long way,
So Happy Birthday Zoey! 2-14
and Snuffelupagus! 2-23

And of course, babies! 1-4.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Fastest Month Ever!

The pups are a whopping MONTH old today! it's crazy how big they're getting!
and their little barks and growls are the cutest :]
Here are some individuals for everyone!
 (refer to the third or fourth post to see the difference!)
So this is Green:

He's such a good boy :]

and Pink:Also known as Daisy Belle. She will be going to PA next month!

And Purple:
Her new name is Bella, She will be staying here in Ohio!

She was the smallest baby :] but definetly the spunk of the pack!

And last, but of course, not least, the porkie Black:

Uhm.. Black?


Oh, there we are!
He's the biggest boy, SO fuzzy!

We did it!
And let me tell you, they have a very proud....
VERY NOSY father.

Uhm.. Snuffy..


*takes a deep breath*
okay.. remember: you did this to yourself!


Snuffy: Okay mom, sorry.. I'm outta here!

And where, might you ask, is Zoey all this time?!

She snuck away to my bed, and figured she'd have herself a nap! The nerve!
Well, I guess being a westie mommy is hard work..

So there's the big babies :]
They are now off of puppy milk replacer and demolish puppy kibble with warm water..
Zoey tends to run away from them now as it is.. they're sprouting little teeth (oww)

So maybe the bed was her best bet!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Messy Puppies!

Good morning from the puppies!
(And mom and dad too)
They're really just waiting for me to let them in and eat the rest..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Gave the babies their first taste! This is Pink!

This was just one of the girls, The boys DOVE into this.
The "this" I am referring to is Gerber's baby Cereal and "Esbilac" Goat's Milk. they seem to like it!
Here's the puppy girl Daisy (purple) Eating:

Now here's some getting their bellies rubbed :]

Aren't they so cute?

Here's something not so cute, but rather funny,

Mom swoops in for the kill!

(while dad yawns in the backround)

She's a feisty one!
And she's also the reason one of my dining chair's legs are eaten at the bottom!

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Eye" See you!

Hi! Sorry it's been a good week since I've posted, never have a chance to sit down..
So the pups are now two and a half weeks :]
..And I promise you'll notice something different about them:

That's right! their eyes are opening! (This is purple, the female. She was first!)

We've also upgraded from a plastic box in the closet to a nice exercise pen in the kitchen!

Everyone's happy.
She is actually letting him come around now :)

There he is..
He loves checking the little ones out.. I've even caught him licking a few of them through the bars.
I think he's MOST interested, though, in the new plushy toy that I've put in there for puppy enrichment..
I know he wants it..
Hopefully he'll leave it for his kids! (Men...)

Anywhoo, This is their first video to see just how wobbly and cute they really are :] and of course, towards the end, you see Snuffy checking them out too.

Well, there they are! Almost 3 weeks.
Wednesday, they will try their first taste of "gruel"
I'm going to use "Esbilac" goat's milk mixed with Gerber baby cereal to go easy on their stomachs.
Stay tuned!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Zzz Post!

this one is showing you the vigorous activity of the westies in my house!
On your mark,



Exciting, right?

I just keep telling myself that they need this to get bigger and stronger..
Because it takes a lot out of me to not poke them awake and give them a bunch of kisses!


The boys are more daring, they like to crawl out of the closet to sleep on the carpet..

I took a few before placing them back in, I want them to stay warm!

So anyone else spend a ton of money on really cool dog toys, and they ignore it and settle for the cheapest junk? well, when I first got Zoey a year and a half ago, we bought this plastic squeaker that was probably 50 cents?

... i'm still wondering how it's even survived.. She's torn limbs from stuffed toys, and squeakers from anything and everything, except this guy. And now.. He's in her nest.
She began carrying him around a day before her babies were born.. and each time I threw it out of the closet, she'd run out panicking, and put it back inside.
Sigh.. I just gave up,
but look,
I think the babies like him too.

Found them all napping around him this morning!

Guess he's just one of the pack now..

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy one week! :]

So tonight is the puppy's one week "birthday"
And I have some photos!
This was earlier in the week,

They love her :]

They're still big on sleeping and eating,

 and their eyes are still closed, but look!
Their noses are getting pigment! and so are the once pink bottoms of their feet :]
So cute!
so that was purple up there, the first female.
Here's pink the second:

You can tell she was excited to get her picture taken..
Then we have the males, Black and Blue.( Blue is now green! we lost his collar)

The boys are definetly more "solid" than the girls, gaining much more a day than them, too.
And mom.. well she's holding up pretty well,

I'm feeding her a lot to keep her milk coming.. chicken breast and brown rice, puppy food, and a big scoop of nonfat yogurt. Sometimes I add some scrambled egg.
So proud of the little polar bears!

Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Litter Has Landed!

So now that I have some time to stop and breathe,
I'd like to introduce you to Zoey's first litter :]
But first I'd like to tell you that my predictions were way off..
Sunday rolled by.. not even a temperature drop..

 Looks pretty calm to me, right? I kept asking her where her babies are.. and all she did was cock her head to the side like I was nuts..
I was beginning to give up hope.. then Thursday rolled in.. and FINALLY they came! :]

Cute, right?
Two girls, pink and purple
and Two boys, black and green.

Zoey had been in her closet all morning (which was really strange, because usually it's Snuffy I catch in there)
But there she was.. and I'm really glad I kept an eye on her, because I was on my way out the door when I caught her panting heavily..

A couple of pushes later, out came Black

First born boy :]
and poor Snuffy back there, Zoey got so mad that he was even in the area that I had to shut him in my room
So anywhoo..
Out popped pink! I was so excited to have a girl!
Then we waited..
it was almost two hours.. I started to become concerned.. I knew there was at LEAST 2 more!

So.. called the vet.. and Zoey was rushed to emergency C-Section.
The big guy black was lodged in her birth canal, trapping himself and purple (our runt) inside.
This was really upsetting.. I had wanted to avoid a c-section at all costs, she was already stressed enough, right?!
So all four pups are loud and healthy!

And as for poor Snuffy, he gets to stay in the kitchen nextdoor.

He even pulled his bed over there so he could be THAT much closer.. and trust me, Zoey peeks out to remind him he's too close constantly! I just remind her to go back to her babies, and she always agrees. She loves them. what a great mommy :]

I'm taking them in Monday to remove dew claws..
I have to prepare myself to withstand the cries.. ugh.
But all is well, and I hope it stays that way!