Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Fastest Month Ever!

The pups are a whopping MONTH old today! it's crazy how big they're getting!
and their little barks and growls are the cutest :]
Here are some individuals for everyone!
 (refer to the third or fourth post to see the difference!)
So this is Green:

He's such a good boy :]

and Pink:Also known as Daisy Belle. She will be going to PA next month!

And Purple:
Her new name is Bella, She will be staying here in Ohio!

She was the smallest baby :] but definetly the spunk of the pack!

And last, but of course, not least, the porkie Black:

Uhm.. Black?


Oh, there we are!
He's the biggest boy, SO fuzzy!

We did it!
And let me tell you, they have a very proud....
VERY NOSY father.

Uhm.. Snuffy..


*takes a deep breath*
okay.. remember: you did this to yourself!


Snuffy: Okay mom, sorry.. I'm outta here!

And where, might you ask, is Zoey all this time?!

She snuck away to my bed, and figured she'd have herself a nap! The nerve!
Well, I guess being a westie mommy is hard work..

So there's the big babies :]
They are now off of puppy milk replacer and demolish puppy kibble with warm water..
Zoey tends to run away from them now as it is.. they're sprouting little teeth (oww)

So maybe the bed was her best bet!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Danielle! I just wanted to tell you that I think your blog is very cute and you are deff. a great blogger! Of course, it helps that you have always loved animals. Haha. Great job.

    Autumn Teague
